Alchemy is the transformation of one thing into another, and we all have the ability to transform our lives for the better.

I invite you to come on a journey to explore the ancient philosophies of Ayurveda. This journey together allows us to develop an intuitive relationship with the natural world; to honour ourselves and all living beings with love and compassion; to craft a lifestyle that nourishes the multi-dimensional aspects of who you are. Remember to pay attention to those things that make you feel something deep inside. They are worth exploring further.

 When everything clicks together and makes sense, then you know you are on the right path.

Ayurveda is a holistic, vast and expansive body of knowledge that I am grateful to have in my life. It has helped me deepen my understanding of myself and the world around me, and has made me realize the interconnectedness of all aspects of life.


Helps us feel connected to ourselves and others. Take some time each day to connect with nature through meditation, yoga, walking, or simply enjoying the beauty of the world around you.

the founder


Samantha is a health enthusiast who has turned all that time spent researching the things she loves into a means to help others. 

Ayurveda is for those who are looking to live a vibrant, meaningful life. You don't have to be a yogi or a meditation expert to benefit from this ancient system of wellness. Samantha will help you understand your unique constitution and how to use the tools of Ayurveda to feel your best. Join her on this journey to vibrant health and happiness!

All about

Sunrise yoga flows, sense of peace after a meditation, nourishing herbal teas, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, cuddles with furry friends and exploring this wonderful world.


Drama, negativity, wasting time, ignorance,
injustice or cruelty to animals.

agree? we're probably a great fit.



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Elixir of Wellness with Samantha Ball
Sip the elixir of wellness through yoga, meditation and Ayurveda

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